5  Data I/O and Wrangling

Up to this point we were creating data to manipulate in R. In this section we will learn how to import data into R, manipulate it and export it. We will use the readr and haven packages to import data into R, the dplyr package to manipulate data and the readr package to export data from R. We will also use the here package to manage file paths.

5.1 Data Input/Import

There are many ways to import data into R. In this section we will look at how to import data from a CSV file, an Excel file and Stata file. In the sample data folder there are *.csv files and stata files *.dta. Foe example to import the health data from a survey stored in hh_mod_a_filt_vMAPS.dta stored in the mwi-ihs5-sample-data folder within our working directory we run:

# Load the haven package

# Import roster data
ihs5_roster <- read_dta(here::here("data","mwi-ihs5-sample-data", "hh_mod_a_filt_vMAPS.dta"))

# Preview the data
head(ihs5_roster )

To read a csv file we use the read_csv() function from the readr package. For example, to import the IHS5_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTORS_vMAPS.csv file stored in the mwi-ihs5-sample-data folder within our working directory we run:

# Load the readr package

# Import unit conversion factors data
ihs5_unit_conversion_factors <- read_csv(here::here("data","mwi-ihs5-sample-data", "IHS5_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTORS_vMAPS.csv"))

# Preview the data
  1. Import your own excel file into R.

Notice how all import operations are done within the here::here() function. This is because we are using the here package to manage file paths. The here::here() function returns the path to the file relative to the working directory. This is useful when you want to share your code with others, as they can run the code without having to change the file paths.

It is very import that file names and directories are typed as they are. R is sensitive to capital letters and spaces. For example, if you type IHS5_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTORS_VMAPS.csv instead of IHS5_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTORS_vMAPS.csv, R will throw an error. To get around this in RStudio use the tab key to autocomplete file names and directories.

After importing files they are usually stored in memory as dataframes/tibbles. We can check the class of an object using the class() function. For example, to check the class of the ihs5_roster object, we would type class(ihs5_roster). We can also check the structure of an object using the str() function. For example, to check the structure of the ihs5_roster object, we would type str(ihs5_roster). We want to make sure that the data is imported correctly before we start manipulating it.

5.2 Data Wrangling

The dplyr package from the tidyverse package is our data wrangling tool of choice. It provides a set of functions for manipulating dataframes e.g. renaming columns, conditional removal of rows, creation of other columns and so on. We will load and manipulate the consumption module of our hypothetical Malawi IHS5 survey data. The data is stored in the mwi-ihs5-sample-data folder within our working directory and is called HH_MOD_G1_vMAPS.dta. We will use the here package to manage file paths.

library(dplyr) # data manipulation
library(haven) # data import
library(here) # file paths

5.2.1 Import the data

# Import the data
ihs5_consumption <- read_dta(here::here("data","mwi-ihs5-sample-data", "HH_MOD_G1_vMAPS.dta"))
  1. Check if the data improrted correctly
  2. Check the structure of the data
  3. How many observations and variables are there?

5.2.2 Subsetting data

5.2.3 Subsetting data frames

There are a number of functions that can be used to extract subsets of R objects in tidyverse syntax. The most important are the following from the dplyr package:

  • filter() allows you to select a subset of rows in a data frame.
  • select() allows you to select a subset of columns in a data frame.
  • arrange() allows you to reorder the rows of a data frame.
  • mutate() allows you to create new columns from existing columns.
  • summarise() allows you to collapse many values down to a single summary.
  • pull() allows you to extract a single column from a data frame as a vector.

5.2.4 Subsetting columns

This data that we loaded is a randomly generated immitation of the Malawi Intergrated Household Survey 2018-2019 described here. This data contains responses on total consumption as well as disaggregation of the sources of these foods.In this book we will process only the `total consumption.

Remember we said that our data is loaded in memory? Seeing that the ihs5_consumption data contains columns we do not need let us subset it. The select function in dplyr is very useful for this. For example to keep only the columns with household identifiers and food names, units and quantity of consumption we keep the following columns in our data; “case_id”, “HHID”, “hh_g01”, “hh_g01_oth”, “hh_g02”, “hh_g03a”, “hh_g03b”, “hh_g03b_label”, “hh_g03b_oth”, “hh_g03c”, “hh_g03c_1”.

# Subset the data
ihs5_consumption_subset <-

The syntax for most tidyverse functions is function (data,columns). Notice that we stored the subsetting operation in a new object called ihs5_consumption_subset? This is generally frowned upon unless we intend to use the original dataset for separate operations. Storing the subset in a new object will use up more memory to store the 2 objects. We can overwrite the original object by typing:

ihs5_consumption <- select(

Instead of typing the column names, we can use the : operator to select a range of columns. For example, to select all the columns between case_id and hh_g03c_1 we would type:

# Subset the data
ihs5_consumption_subset <-

Next let us give the columns more meaningful names. We can do this using the rename function. For example, to rename the hh_g01 column to consumedYN and hh_g02 to food_item, we would type:

# Rename the columns
ihs5_consumption <-
           consumedYN = hh_g01,
           food_item = hh_g02)

Notice how our operations only affect the specific columns we specify? This is because the select and rename functions are smart and intiutive.

  1. Rename the remaining columns to:
old_name new_name
hh_g01_oth food_item_other
hh_g03a consumption_quantity
hh_g03b consumption_unit
hh_g03b_label consumption_unit_label
hh_g03b_oth consumption_unit_oth
hh_g03c consumption_subunit_1
hh_g03c_1 consumption_subunit_2


# Reload the data to start from scratch
ihs5_consumption <-

# Rename the columns
ihs5_consumption <-
        consumedYN = hh_g01,
        food_item = hh_g02,
        food_item_other = hh_g01_oth,
        consumption_quantity = hh_g03a,
        consumption_unit = hh_g03b,
        consumption_unit_label = hh_g03b_label,
        consumption_unit_oth = hh_g03b_oth,
        consumption_subunit_1 = hh_g03c,
        consumption_subunit_2 = hh_g03c_1

5.2.5 Subsetting rows

We can also subset rows using the filter function. For example, to keep only the rows where consumedYN is equal to 1, we would type:

# Subset the data
ihs5_consumption <- filter(ihs5_consumption, consumedYN == 1)

Notice how we are using the logical operator == to test each row whether the value of consumedYN is equal to 1? This is called a conditional statement as we discussed in the previous sections.

5.3 Chaining operations using the pipe operator

We can chain operations using the pipe operator %>% or |>. This is useful when we want to perform multiple operations on a dataset. For example, to read, subset the data and rename the columns in one operation, we would type:

# Read, subset and rename the data
ihs5_consumption <-
                        "HH_MOD_G1_vMAPS.dta")) |>
    ) %>%
        consumedYN = hh_g01,
        food_item = hh_g02,
        food_item_other = hh_g01_oth,
        consumption_quantity = hh_g03a,
        consumption_unit = hh_g03b,
        consumption_unit_label = hh_g03b_label,
        consumption_unit_oth = hh_g03b_oth,
        consumption_subunit_1 = hh_g03c,
        consumption_subunit_2 = hh_g03c_1

We deliberately used both the pipe operators %>% and |> to show that they are the same. The %>% is the most popular of the tidyverse pipes from the magrittr package.

Recent versions (circa 2020) intoduced the native R pipe |>. The pipe operator is useful when we want to perform multiple operations on a dataset without storing the intermediate results in memory.

In the above example we only stored the final result in memory. This is useful when we are working with large datasets and want to save memory.


In Rstudio you can type the pipe operator by typing Ctlr + shift + m. You can also change whether the pipe operator is %>% or |> in the Tools > Global Options > Code > Editing menu by changing the Use native pipe operator |> (requires R 4.1+) option.


When chaining operations we do not need to specify the data argument in the subsequent functions. This is because the output of the previous function is passed to the next function. If we want to specify the data argument, we can use the . symbol. For example, to specify the data argument in the rename function, we would type:

5.3.1 Change the data type of a column

The mutate function is used to create new columns from existing columns. It is also used to change the data type of a column. For example, to change the data type of the consumption_quantity column to numeric, we would type:

ihs5_consumption <- ihs5_consumption |>
    mutate(food_item_code = as.character(food_item))

5.3.2 Create a new column

As we mentioned earlier, the mutate function is used to create new columns from existing columns. For example, to create a new column with hh_members (randomly generated) we would type:

ihs5_consumption <- ihs5_consumption |>
    mutate(hh_members = sample(1:10, nrow(ihs5_consumption), replace = TRUE))

Here we are using the sample function to generate random numbers between 1 and 10. The nrow function returns the number of rows in the ihs5_consumption data. The replace = TRUE argument tells the sample function to sample with replacement. This means that the same number can be sampled more than once. If we want to sample without replacement we would type replace = FALSE.

We used the sample function a lot during the generation of the sample data used in this book. You can see more on this in the data generation section.

5.3.3 Vectorised operations

The mutate function is also useful for vectorised operations. For example, to create a new column with the consumption per person we would type:

ihs5_consumption <- ihs5_consumption |>
    mutate(consumption_per_person = consumption_quantity / hh_members)

Suppose this data is from a 7 day recall survey. Create a new column with the consumption per person per day.

5.3.4 Enriching data

We can enrich our data by joining different files using the join function. The most common joins are left_join, right_join, inner_join and full_join.

The left_join function joins two dataframes by keeping all the rows in the first dataframe and matching the rows in the second dataframe.

Most joining operations in hces data analysis are left_join operations as we want to keep all the rows in the primary data we are processing and enrich it with matched rows in the other data. For example, to join the ihs5_consumption data with the ihs5_household_identifies contained in hh_mod_a_filt_vMAPS.dta data we would type:

# Import the data
ihs5_household_identifiers <-

# Join the data
ihs5_consumption_j1 <- ihs5_consumption |>
    left_join(ihs5_household_identifiers, by = "HHID")

The result is an enriched dataset with rows from the ihs5_household_identifiers data that match the HHID column in the ihs5_consumption data. The by argument tells the left_join function which column to use to match the rows. If the column names are the same in both dataframes, we do not need to specify the by argument. For example, to join the ihs5_consumption data with the ihs5_household_identifies contained in hh_mod_a_filt_vMAPS.dta data we would type:

# Import the data
ihs5_household_identifiers <-

# Join the data
ihs5_consumption <- ihs5_consumption |>
  1. Compare the results of the two joins.
  2. What is the difference?

5.3.5 Grouping and Summarising Data

We can group data using the group_by function. Grouping data is useful when we want to summarise data. In dplyr the summaries are created from the groups in the data. For eample to summarise the consumption_per_person by food_item we would type:

# Summarise the data
ihs5_consumption_summary <- ihs5_consumption |>
    group_by(food_item) |>
    summarise(consumption_per_person = mean(consumption_per_person, na.rm = TRUE))

Here we are using the mean function to calculate the mean of the consumption_per_person column. The na.rm = TRUE argument tells the mean function to ignore missing values.

We can also compute multiple summaries at once. For example, to compute the mean and standard deviation of the consumption_per_person column we would type:

# Summarise the data
ihs5_consumption_summary <- ihs5_consumption |>
    group_by(food_item) |>
        consumption_per_person_mean = mean(consumption_per_person, na.rm = TRUE),
        consumption_per_person_sd = sd(consumption_per_person, na.rm = TRUE)

To compute summaries across multiple groups we can use the group_by function with multiple arguments. For example, to compute the mean and standard deviation of the consumption_per_person column by food_item and region we would type:

# Summarise the data
ihs5_consumption_summary <- ihs5_consumption |>
    group_by(food_item, region) |>
        consumption_per_person_mean = mean(consumption_per_person, na.rm = TRUE),
        consumption_per_person_sd = sd(consumption_per_person, na.rm = TRUE)

In the next section we will learn how to use plots to visualise our data. A basic example of a plot is a bar chart. For example we can visualise the consumption per person by food item using a bar chart. To do this we will use the ggplot2 package from the tidyverse package like so:

# Load the ggplot2 package

#  Plot the data
ihs5_consumption |>
    # Add plot aesthetics
    ggplot(aes(x = region, y = consumption_per_person, group = region)) +
    # Add plot type

Here we plotted a boxplot of the consumption_per_person by region.

5.3.6 Data Output/Export

We can export data from R using the write_csv() function from the readr package. For example, to export the ihs5_consumption data to a csv file called ihs5_consumption.csv stored in our working directory we run:

# Export the data
readr::write_csv(ihs5_consumption, here::here("data",

We recommend exporting files to csv as this allows interoperability between various software. If you prefer exporting your data to excel, you can use the write_xlsx() function from the writexl package. For example, to export the ihs5_consumption data to an excel file called ihs5_consumption.xlsx stored in our working directory we run:

# Export the data
writexl::write_xlsx(ihs5_consumption, here::here("ihs5_consumption.xlsx"))

To export the data to a stata file, we can use the write_dta() function from the haven package. For example, to export the ihs5_consumption data to a stata file called ihs5_consumption.dta stored in our working directory we run:

# Export the data
write_dta(ihs5_consumption, here::here("ihs5_consumption.dta"))